Turning 22 in the Pre-Apocalypse

In which I explain what this is about—Some notes on how I write—The beginning of the end, the end of the beginning

By October, I will be 22. 22 is too old, as they say, to pretend you’re young. It’s the end of any “transition year”, and adulthood where I come from is defined as turning 18 anyways. At the same time, I will leave university, having completed a BA in English and a Master’s degree in Digital Humanities in Cambridge. For some more information about the work I’ve done, feel free to check out the rest of my website and Github.

A note on process: The title of this series is inspired by this Jacob Geller video. Most of these essays were written during and immediately before a trip to the Edinburgh Fringe festival between the 15th and the 20th of August, 2024, although much of the groundwork was laid in the year before. Due to the constant output of my wrting, I often liberally salvage from unpublished prior works to assemble new ones, this process is at work here. I hoped originally to include more “fun” elements in this site, like minigames and interactive segments, but those were cut in the interests of not losing focus and time. The contents of these essays (everything on this page and as specified in the Table of Contents below) is available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license. I would love if you wanted to work with me on anything I mention here, but that’s not a requirement.

Anyways, enough preamble. Here are some of the things I believe now, a loose collection of thoughts that have defined me up to this point. Perhaps I will come to regret these beliefs. But that’s a problem for future me.

In the meantime, the pre-apocalypse awaits.

Table of Contents

All material listed here is released under a CC BY-SA 4.0 License.


All code in this section is released under the MIT open source license. Code linked here is expanded on in the article A Program for a Different Model of AI Development.

Extra Materials

I reserve copyright on materials in this section.


Contact me at mutatismutandisetplusultra (at) gmail (dot) com.